Tag Archives: visual foxpro odbc driver

Step for Migrating Data from Foxpro database to SQL Server, using SSIS

For the migrating data from Foxpro database to SQL there is two solution as below

Requirement :

Before starting the steps, please make sure the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro and Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver is installed.


Use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro to load data from Visual FoxPro database

  1. Create a new SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) package.
  2. Add a Data Flow Task(DFT) to the package.
  3. Select the DFT, and go to Data Flow designer page.
  4. Add a OLE DB Source to the package.
  5. Double-click the OLE DB Source, click “New” > “New” to create a connection to Visual FoxPro.
  6. In the Connection Manager, please select “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro”
  7. Type the file path of a Visual FoxPro database(e.g. C:\Address.dbc).
  8. Test the connection by clicking button “Test Connection”
  9. Click “OK” > “OK” to apply.
  10. Now, we can select a table from the Visual FoxPro database in the OLE DB Source editor.


Use the Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver to load data from Visual FoxPro database

  1. As you done, create a DSN pointing to VFP free table using odbcad32 from SysWOW64 folder. I would suggest you using System DSN instead of User DSN.
  2. Create a new SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) package.
  3. Add a Data Flow Task(DFT) to the package.
  4. Select the DFT, and go to Data Flow designer page.
  5. Add an ADO NET Souce to the package. Please note, ADO NET is started to support from SSIS 2008. In other words, in SSIS 2005, there is no ADO NET source.
  6. Double-click the OLE DB Source, click “New” > “New” to create a connection to Visual FoxPro.
  7. In the Connection Manager, please select “Odbc Data Provider”
  8. Select the DSN we created before, and then test the connection, make sure it is successful.
  9. Click “OK” > “OK” to apply.
  10. Now, we can select a table from the Visual FoxPro database in the ADO NET Source editor. If it is fail, please try using SQL Command mode.

The two drivers can be downloaded from: