Validation in MVC and its different way of implementation

We can implement validation in two ways
1) Client side validation
2) Server side validation

In Server side by default we make use of existing validation through DataAnnotations
Declare default validation attribute like “Required”, “RegularExpression” , “Range” on top of required class properties to enforce certain rules.

Other way is by implementing IvalidatableObject

1) This interface contain Validate(), its return type is Ienumerable
2) By implementing IvalidatableObject interface in a class and implement our own custom rules and condition inside the Validate()
3) Since it could be implement our own custom rules and condition it is easy for cross validation property
But the same has limitation in reusability because sometime it become tightly coupled.

Model binding in controller
> By default model validation handled during model binding process, when data requested and start binding with class property, it apply assigned attribute validation attribute classes to check data is correct.
> For validation implemented using IvalidatableObject interface will happen next to prebuilt validation, this is because to check each property has loaded with correct and required data, before implemeting cross validation property.
> After this two steps completed the results of validation stored in “ModelState” property of Controller. So even when we implement our custom validation using IvalidatableObject interface, those validation result will also automatically updated in “ModelState.IsValid” property

The other way is by using ValidationAttribute class as below

Code-based Migration in EF code first approch

In Migration we have two type of migration

  1. Automated Migration
  2. Code-based Migration

Below information’s are for Code-based Migration

Enable-Migrations: Enables the migration in your project by creating a Configuration class.
PM> Enable-Migrations

Add-Migration: Creates a new migration class as per specified name with the Up() and Down() methods.
PM> Add-Migration "MigrationName"
The above command will create a “timestamp_MigrationName”.cs file with the Up() and Down() methods

Update-Database: Executes the last migration file created by the Add-Migration command and applies changes to the database schema.
PM> Update-Database

Rollback Migration to previous one
PM> update-database -TargetMigration:"timestamp_MigrationName

ASP.NET Core AddSingleton vs AddScoped vs AddTransient

In .net core while register services with dependency injection container in “ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)” in Startup.cs, we can define the lifetime of the instance across the application using any one of the three methods.


  • Only one instance will create and that instance will be available through out the application.
  • So that when ever we need the instance that created during application start we could able to access it at any point in the application.
  • At any number of http request we could able to access the same instance


  • For each http request new instance will gets created.
  • The instance gets created using AddScoped, will be alive only for that particular http request


  • Irrespective of http request, every time when we look for an instance, it will create an instance every time
  • Example, in an single http request if we are trying to access Student repository instance more than a time, each time it will create new instance separately

About OOP for beginners


While you developing an application, application is subjected to change in its business logic’s as a result code will keep changing, so  Easy of use and avoid large chunk of code by eliminating duplication of code , OOP comes into picture.

Reason to use OOP

1) Complex code easier to develop.
2) OOP is exposing only required data, modularity, sharing, easy to maintain, controlling data accessibility.

Approach to Object Oriented Design:

1. Start with the simple object which can be abstracted into individual classes.
2. Identify all the classes in the requirement specification.
3. Identify the commonalities between all or small groups of classes. Do not force fit generalisation where it doesn’t make sense.
4. Keep all the data members private or protected.
5. Identify all the member variables and methods the class should have.
6. Ensure that the class is fully independent of other classes and contains all the necessary attributes and methods.
7. The methods in the class should be abstract.
8. Don’t use the procedural code into a class for the methods in the class.
9. Inherit and extend classes from the base classes when require.
10. Define the “Has-A” or “Uses-A” relationships among the classes

OOP Concepts

Image Source from Google

1) Class
Class is a blue print which is containing only list of variables and method and no memory is allocated for them. A class is a group of objects that has common properties.

2) Object
Objects are usable instances of class. In otherwords Object is the physical as well as logical entity where as class is the only logical entity.

Note:- objects are usable instances of class
Example: Student obj=new Student();
* Here obj is the instance of class Student and ‘new Student()’ is way to create an object
* A new object has been created in memory and it reference has been returned (new Student())
* Holding the object reference in a variable called instance(obj=new Student())

3) Abstraction
Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details from the user, only the functionality will be provided to the user.

4) Encapsulation
Encapsulation is a mechanism of wrapping the data (instance variables) and code acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit like a Class.
The variables of a class can be made hidden from other classes, and can be accessed only through the methods of their current class. It is also known as data hiding.

5) Inheritance
Saves time by acquiring the same object into another
The process where one class acquires the members of (methods and properties) of another.

6) Polymorphism
This is the ability of an object to perform in a wide variety of ways.

Will see in detail with example in up coming post

Steps to Install OpenSSL in Ubuntu

Update the Ubuntu repository and install package dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall zlib1g-dev -y

Download OpenSSL
cd /usr/local/src/

Now extract the openssl.tar.gz file, and go to the ‘openssl’ directory.
tar -xf openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.2o

Install OpenSSL
cd /usr/local/src/openssl-1.0.2o

Configure and compile OpenSSL
./config --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl shared zlib

make test
make install

Configure Link Libraries

cd /etc/
vim openssl-1.0.2o.conf

Paste the openssl library path directory.

Save and exit.

Reload the dynamic link
sudo ldconfig -v

Configure OpenSSL Binary
mv /usr/bin/c_rehash /usr/bin/c_rehash.BEKUP
mv /usr/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl.BEKUP

Edit the ‘/etc/environment’ file using vim.
vim /etc/environment

Now add the new OpenSSL binary directory as below

Save and exit.

Reload the environment file and test the new updated binary PATH.
source /etc/environment
echo $PATH
which openssl

openssl version -a

Steps to create Certificate using OpenSSL

Step 1: Create Private Key

genrsaout C:\cert\private.key 1024


Step 2: Create intermediate self-signed root CA certificate

reqnew -x509 –days 1826 –key C:\cert\private.key –out C:\cert\rootCert.crt


Step 3: Create intermediate private key

genrsaout C:\cert\intermediatekey.key 1024


Step 4: Create intermediate request file

reqnewkey C:\cert\intermediatekey.key –out C:\cert\intermediate.csr


Step 5: Create intermediate certificate

x509 -req –days 1826 -in C:\cert\intermediate.csr –CA C:\cert\DSS\rootCert.crt -CAkey C:\cert\private.key –set_serial 01 –out C:\cert\intermediateCert.crt


Step 6: Package all the above file into .pfx file


pkcs12exportout C:\cert\DSS2.pfx –inkey C:\cert\DSS\intermediatekey.key –in C:\cert\intermediateCert.crt –chainCAfile C:\cert\rootCert.crt

Generate WebReferance Proxy using wsdl.exe

To generate web reference for you project use wsdl.exe and then including the generated file (.cs) into your project.

Based on the .NET framework version your wsdl.exe file will exist in corresponding path as below

In case anyone using VS 2008 (.NET v3.5) is also looking for the wsdl.exe.
I found it here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe

Future versions C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\vx.xx\bin\wsdl.exe

For v4.5.1
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\wsdl.exe

For v4.6.1
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\wsdl.exe

Using any one of below command can generate proxy class

wsdl /language:CS /n:”<NameSpaceName>” <Path of wsdl file>.wsdl

wsdl.exe /language:CS <Path of wsdl file>.wsdl

wsdl.exe <Path of wsdl file>.wsdl


How to sign and verify data using digital certificate

While communicate with other there would be a sensitive data which need to reach the other end in secure manner.

Digitally signed data comes in to picture which provide us a secure and confidential way to communicate.

Below are the code to digitally sign the plain text and send it over other end, there signed data will be verified using the public key.

To sign and verify the data we need Private and Public key. I am going to use Private key to sign the text and using public key I am going to validate the signed text.

Certificate Encrypt and Decrypt using SHA1 algorithm



Signing text using Private Key


Verify signed text in other end using public key



Sitecore Template

In web development Template represent Views, Partial views, User control, or static pages. But in Sitecore Template terminology is not same as above. Here template is something like Class in OOPS. Template can be Viewed/Created with in Template node in the navigation tree. Just as a class has properties that define its properties, every piece of content in Sitecore will have a data template to define the properties it contains.

Other words

  • Template in an sitecore is an item, which defines behavior and structure of other items.
  • Every item in sitecore is an instance of some template.

There are 3 type of Template

1) Data template
2) Branch template
3) command template

Recommendations when Creating Templates

  • Interface template – contains fields, the convention is such that it begins with _, in C# it is an equivalent to interfaces.
  • Page type template – can have a layout, does not contain fields, inherits from one or more interface templates, instances are created from it, in C# it is equivalent to a class that implements one or more interfaces.
  • Datasource template – do not have layouts even though they are also inherited from the interface template, they are only used for referenced items as data-source for renderings.
  • Settings template – templates define the settings for the implementation of business logic, do not inherit from the interface template and are directly instanced.
  • Folder template – Do not use Common/Folder! Have your own folder template for every module. Thanks to this, you will be able to modularize the solution and use various insert options, authorizations, etc. on the file.
  • Parameter templates – Like any standard data template that would be created in Sitecore, you start by creating a new template and extending an existing Sitecore template: Standard Rendering Parameters

FULL PATH: /System/Layout/Rendering Parameters/Standard Rendering Parameters Do not use the Shared or Unversioned field unless it is absolutely necessary. It is always necessary to consider the language and cultural context carefully.

Data Definition = templates (Schema)
Content = items (Template is used to get relevant data as items)
Presentation = layouts and components (Transform the data into HTML format)

How can you get the best out of Sitecore?

Get the website requirment, analyze the site’s requirements, breakdown into smaller entities, using entities build normalized sitecore data template, then work further understand the content structure.

To build good template, should aware of below checklist

– Based on the site’s requirment think about entities and fields.
– Group all releted fields under logical section.
– Identify all common fields and create a base template.
– Field name used should be easily understand by business users.
– “Display Name” property to provide friendly name to an item.
– Always set default values in standard values.
– Apply Icon to templates, so that it is easy to recognize.
– Presentation should be configured in standard values.
– Utilize branch templates for predefined structure creation.

Content Structure:
Once the templates have been created, you need to begin work on creating Content Item in content tree.

– As a standard, try not to have more than 100 items under particular node. If expecting more than 100, then consider using buckets or create folders in a way that it doesn’t exceed more then 100 child per folder/item.
– Try to have only page items created under home page.
– Make sure we have security added for items based on user access roles.
– For faster access index should be configured.
– Also maintain minimal version for each item.


Now the content structure is ready, let’s get started on creating the presentation

– Make sure all the LAYOUTS are created under ‘/Sitecore/Layout/Layouts’, can also create sub folders if needed with access limitation.
– For each device layout should not have more than 3 layouts structure.
– Layout details should be assigned in standard values and not in Template/Item level.
– Use Field Renderer object to render the fields on presentation.
– Caching options should be configured whenever the controls are used, based on the control definitions.

